Refer your friends and family to PolicyAdvisor
Earn up to
Get rewarded every time in three simple steps!

Your referred friends, family, or co-workers apply for an eligible insurance policy through PolicyAdvisor
Get Rewarded!
Get a $100 Amazon voucher every time your referral’s insurance application is submitted!
Why recommend to friends or family?
✔ Free advice from a licensed advisor when they need it
✔ Lowest insurance rates directly from the insurance companies
✔ Get access to PolicyAdvisor Concierge for help with policy updates, beneficiary changes, payment assistance, and much more
✔ One place to handle the paperwork across multiple companies
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can I refer?
You can refer your friends, extended family, neighbours, or co-workers. It just has to be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident you already know and who is living in either Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, or British Columbia.
Who can I not refer?
You cannot refer yourself; someone who already got referred by someone else; someone who is already in the process of obtaining a life, critical illness, or disability insurance policy with PolicyAdvisor; or someone who has the same postal address or telephone number as you — such as your spouse or your child who is living at home.
Which insurance policies qualify for the Referral Program?
The person you refer must buy either a life insurance, critical illness insurance, or disability insurance policy to qualify. Travel insurance and health insurance policies are not eligible for the Referral Program.
Do I need to have an insurance policy with PolicyAdvisor to refer someone?
Yes, you need to have an active insurance policy with us to be eligible for the Referral Program. We will ask you to provide the email address you registered with us when you submit your referral(s).
How many people can I refer?
You can refer as many friends, extended family members, neighbours, or co-workers as you want, just once you don’t refer the same person more than once! But there is a limit of $1,000 per year on how much you can earn in rewards.
How and when will I get my gift card?
For every eligible referral you make, we will send you a $100 Amazon gift card by email within 30 days from the date the person you referred submitted their insurance application with us.
Will the person I refer also get a gift card?
In compliance with Canadian insurance regulatory requirements, we are not allowed to pay any incentive to the person you refer to us. But they will receive an amazing customer service experience plus financial peace of mind with their new policy — which is a reward in and of itself!
Read the full PolicyAdvisor Referral Program Terms & Conditions