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Honest, transparent, expert advice and explainers for everything you wanted to know about travel insurance.
Travel medical insurance for visitors to Canada is designed to protect you in the event that you experience a medical emergency while traveling in Canada. Our articles and research provide everything you need to know about how it works.
Latest from learning centre
The complete guide to travel insurance for Canadians

Travel insurance protects you from the unforeseen costs of medical emergencies and trip delays when on a trip outside of Canada.

By Ripenjeet Sandhu
Insurance Advisor, LLQP
16 min read
Should I Buy Medical Insurance for My Parents Visiting Canada?

Buying travel insurance for parents coming to visit means you can enjoy every moment without worrying about emergencies.

By Ripenjeet Sandhu
Insurance Advisor, LLQP
14 min read
The athlete’s guide to travel insurance in Canada

Athlete travel insurance is similar to traditional travel insurance, but it also provides coverage for specific sporting activities.

By Carly Griffin
Senior Insurance Advisor, LLQP
14 min read
Pregnancy travel insurance: Everything you need to know

If you’re pregnant, travel insurance can offer some coverage for unexpected emergencies or trip cancellation. Find out what can be covered if you’re pregnant during your next holiday.

By Brandon Jeeteng Chow
Insurance Advisor, LLQP
11 min read
Should you use your credit card’s travel insurance or buy your own?

Your credit card may already have coverage for emergency medical expenses, but it might not be as much as you need. Find out how to check your coverage and when to supplement with separate travel insurance.

By Jason Reynold Goveas
Senior Insurance Advisor, LLQP
14 min read
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