What can I do if my life insurance application is declined?

Taking the initial steps to get life insurance coverage is hard work. Whether you are applying online or going through the arduous process of choosing a broker and provider, it can be incredibly frustrating when you finally apply for a policy and your life insurance application is declined.

There are several reasons why your application can be declined. You have control over what affects some of those reasons; with others, you quite simply do not.

So why might you be declined for life insurance, and what can you do if that happens? Read on to find out your next steps if you find yourself in these aggravating circumstances.

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Why was my life insurance application declined?

We have explained in detail the various factors that determine the price of your life insurance policy. Answers you provide to your insurance company help them assess the cost and risk of insuring your life. Sometimes when they are done with their calculations, they establish the risk is too great for themselves to insure you for the policy you applied for, and deny your life insurance application.

There may have been a specific health or medical condition (such as obesity, cancer, diabetes or another chronic illness), medical testing or lab results, lifestyle choices (such as risky behaviours like sky diving and extreme sports), criminal records, driving behavior, dangerous occupations, even age, or income, and much more that triggered the decline of your life insurance application.

What are my options if my life insurance application is declined?

Don’t freak out – while many Canadians are quickly approved for life insurance, you are not alone if you received a life insurance denial letter. While it’s normal to feel angry, resentful, or upset if this happens to you – realize there are always options available. Step back, assess your situation, and take the following steps.

Gather all the information you can. Reach out to the insurer or your advisor and ask for information on why you were declined. This isn’t a topic where you have to be in the dark. The insurance company can provide more detailed information upon your request on whether the decline was due to exam results, medical history, driving record, or some other reason. 

If the decline was due to a health reason, insurance companies will typically have your exam results delivered to your family doctor detailing the medical issues behind their decision. From there, you can check with your physician to confirm the findings and any diagnosis.

Ask to reassess. At that stage, you should double-check that all the medical information shared with the insurance company was up to date and correct. If you find an error, you can always request the company reassess your application with all the correct medical data.

Ask them if they can issue with exclusions. In rare cases, insurance companies may reconsider a declined application if you agree to some exclusions based on your test results or medical history. For example, let’s say your insurance application was declined due to a heart condition. An insurance company may still grant you coverage, but exclude a death benefit if you pass away due to any complications of the heart that your condition may affect. Again, we stress this a very rare instance, but in your insurance buying journey, there is no harm in asking at this point.

If you’ve been declined, it will stay on your record for up to 7 years. Yes, that’s right – your record. Much like applying for credit, North American insurance companies share limited information regarding insurability of an applicant through a regulated body called the Medical Information Bureau (MIB) – which we promise has nothing to do with aliens…

Your records are kept to enhance transparency and consistency of information between the companies. In rare cases, the information the MIB provides prevents the more unscrupulous applicants from holding too many policies simultaneously or providing false information to get insured by one company after getting declined by another.

At the end of the day, their work and purpose ensure that insurance seekers are treated fairly throughout the whole process.

Thus, presenting false information on an additional life insurance application is not in your best interests. First thing’s first, it will flag your record for added future scrutiny. Secondly, if you lie on an application and a claim is declined at death because of it, you end up not covering anyone or anything you wanted to in the first place.

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Can I change any of the information to get my life insurance application approved?

Change is perhaps the wrong term, but there are some things you can attempt to get a different result.

As we mentioned before, make sure the insurance company has your most up-to-date medical information. They may have made a decision based on old lab results or doctor’s notes. Be diligent in ensuring they have recent information to make their decision.

Next, if you have time, use it. If you don’t need to be insured this minute, and you feel some of the negative medical results or questions can be improved, then take the steps to create a plan and make the necessary changes. 

For instance, if an insurance provider recommends a loss of weight or a reduction in your cholesterol level, you can implement a plan to change these factors through medication, diet, exercise, or other methods and reapply when you get improved results. This logic can apply to behavioural factors as well, whether finding the willpower to stop smoking or changing your mind on travelling to active warzones.

Ok, I’ve accepted that my insurance application is declined. What are my options?

You are not out of luck, there are still many viable options if you are declined for traditional life insurance coverage.

Try another provider

We know we sounded a little alarmist before with the MIB, but some insurance companies have more flexible underwriting than others. In many cases, certain companies are more flexible on health conditions, while others look at lifestyle conditions more favourably. Just because you were declined by one company doesn’t mean the rest will follow. Though remember, because of your previous application, another insurance company will look at the new one with a finer toothed comb. 

Simplified life insurance. Depending on what triggered your initial decline, you can consider simplified life insurance, sometimes called simplified issue. You’ll answer a short application to see if you are eligible for life insurance without a medical exam. If you pass, expect higher premiums as an insurance company takes on more risk with these types of policies.

Guaranteed life insurance. This option is incredibly simple; there are no medical exams or health questions, though the coverage usually tops out at $50,000. The premiums are much higher as this is a large risk for an insurance company to undertake, and there is an exclusion period when claims are not accepted – typically within the first 2 years of the policy.

Read more about simplified vs guaranteed life insurance.

Group life insurance

If you can get life insurance coverage through work or a professional association, take advantage of it. While the death benefit might not compare to what you had hoped to get, it’s better than no coverage at all. Additionally, some group benefit plans have options for continuing coverage if you make a career change – with some exceptions for underwriting.

Find a life insurance advisor you can trust

All of these options are at your disposal with the help of a licensed insurance advisor. If possible, find an experienced advisor who is knowledgeable about life insurance and has access to multiple brands and products.

With an insurance advocate by your side, you can always get a sober second opinion on your potential choices. Just keep in mind that a second opinion is a viable option – but only if the reason for your initial denial is one that another insurance carrier may accept. 

Take for instance an earlier example. Let’s say you are denied coverage due to elevated cholesterol levels, but there is another insurance provider that would accept your application if you divulged the fact that you manage the condition effectively with medication. While you may not know this company existed by yourself, an experienced insurance advisor brings that knowledge to the table.

How much life insurance do I need?

While it may seem counter-intuitive for an insurance broker to tell you to buy less insurance, we would rather see you with some coverage than none at all. Everyone wants to provide as much for their loved ones as possible in the unfortunate event of their passing. If you’ve been denied coverage for a larger amount, however, you may want to be realistic about how much life insurance you truly need

Try playing with the numbers in our life insurance needs calculator and see how much coverage you truly need. There may be a case where you are approved for a lower amount, or realize you were seeking too much coverage for your current needs.

Why is working with PolicyAdvisor the smart choice if my life insurance application is denied?

Finding life insurance coverage is daunting – and that’s without the added stress of a potentially rejected application. Which life insurance carrier do you choose? Should you obtain a private plan or obtain one through your employer? What medical information do you need to provide to obtain life insurance? Will your health issues be a cause for concern? Lead to higher rates? Or, worse, denial of coverage?

As exhausting as these questions seem – you don’t have to answer them alone. PolicyAdvisor’s life insurance advisors have experience with every potential situation a Canadian may have gone through while searching for life insurance. We put that experience to work helping anyone with questions and aspirations to get life insurance coverage – no matter what their circumstances. 

PolicyAdvisor also has access to specialized insurers for high-risk cases; by providing them with detailed information about your specific situation, they can work to find you a better match if your initial application is rejected.

If you’ve been declined for life insurance coverage, it is not the end of the line. Get in contact with one of our insurance advisors and we’ll help you weigh your options.

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Who needs no-medical life insurance?

There are many factors one must consider when contemplating who should get no-medical life insurance. Time commitment, health issues, iatrophobia (the fear of doctors) – the list goes on. Before you start your search for no-medical life insurance, find out if it’s the right fit for your needs at this time.

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Definition of no-medical life insurance

No-medical life insurance is just that. Life insurance issued to an applicant without the need for medical underwriting; a process that typically entails a medical exam by a paramedical service employed by the insurance company you’ve chosen to work with. The medical exam typically includes a blood test, a urine test, and a check of your vitals (blood pressure, and height and weight) in addition to a medical questionnaire. On the other hand, no-medical exam policies exclude the body fluid sample collection and rely solely on the questionnaire.

Digging deeper, no-medical life insurance comes in three different varieties: accelerated issue, simplified issue, and guaranteed issue. Each policy type requires a different level of scrutiny into your health and medical history, and their premiums reflect this. Typically, accelerated issue life insurance will have the lowest premiums due to its more in-depth, dynamic medical questionnaire, while guaranteed issue life insurance has the highest premiums as it asks for virtually no-medical history from its applicants.

There are different types of no-medical life insurance.

How do I know if I should get no-medical life insurance?

Whether for one of the reasons stated above, or another concern you have when it comes to medical underwriting, you have many factors to consider whether you want to go forward with no-medical life insurance. As we mentioned, no-medical life insurance policies are priced differently than those that are medically underwritten. And by different, we mean more expensive.

Thus, keep that in mind when contemplating the following scenarios. You can save a substantial amount of money by going through medical underwriting for term life insurance if you have that option. Before proceeding with any life insurance policy, speak with your broker. Licensed experts – like ours at PolicyAdvisor – are specially trained to help you navigate insurance questions like these. We have years of experience helping Canadians pick the right life insurance for their needs and their budgets, all while saving them time completing their applications digitally.

who needs no medical life insurance

Should I get no-medical life insurance if I have underlying health conditions?

no-medical life insurance is certainly an option for those with health concerns. If you’ve survived a recent critical illness (like cancer, heart disease, etc), or suffer from a chronic illness, your number of traditional insurance options may be slim Not only that, but coverage could be denied once you apply or prohibitively expensive once you are provided with the final price after a medical exam.

In some of these cases, your best option may be no-medical life insurance. However, speak with a licensed broker. They will have the best idea of whether no-medical life insurance or a traditional option is best for you. Keep in mind that CLHIA statistics show only a small number of life insurance applications are denied each year.

Read More: Can I Get Life Insurance With Pre-existing Health Conditions?

Should I get no-medical insurance if I have diabetes?

The above answer is also sound advice for diabetics applying for life insurance or contemplating no-medical life insurance. While, as a diabetic, you may have assumed you won’t qualify for traditionally underwritten life insurance, that’s simply not the case. 

Diabetics with demonstrably consistent, tight control of their blood sugar, and in general good health can qualify for the same insurance pricing as anyone else applying for underwritten life insurance.

However, perfect control is not a reality for many of the millions of Canadians living with diabetes. Even a hemoglobin A1C above 7 can result in an increased rating from an insurance company. If your diabetes control is at a point where it results in an incredibly high insurance rating or outright decline of an application, then you may consider no-medical life insurance.

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Should I get no-medical life insurance if my previous application was denied?

Having your life insurance application denied is not ideal, but it does not mean you have no choice when it comes to protecting your income for your family or beneficiaries. An application denial is a scenario where you may instantly choose to navigate the different no-medical life insurance policies – like simplified and guaranteed issue – to ensure you get coverage. Before you do so, speak with your broker and find out why your insurance was denied. You may have the chance to reassess your application, reapply with a different insurance company, or have it insured with exclusions for the specific issue that triggered its denial. 

Either way, having an experienced broker by your side will help you find the right policy for you on your new search or modify your previous application so that it works for your situation.

do i need no-medical insurance

Should I get no-medical life insurance if I am healthy and want to save time?

The short answer: yes

The long answer? There are many ways to save time when comparing and buying life insurance. First and foremost, a digital life insurance broker can help you through the insurance buying process. They can provide you with quotes in minutes and guide you towards the best choices that can save you money; all in a fraction of the time a traditional mortgage broker would take to get you covered.

What’s even better is – thanks to their years of experience – our brokers can guide you to accelerated issue life insurance options that don’t require face-to-face medical exams, yet offer comparable pricing to other medically underwritten insurance policies. Companies like Assumption Life, Canada Protection Plan, Desjardins, Empire Life, Manulife, Industrial Alliance (iA), RBC and others offer a substantial amount of term life coverage to those in good health without the need for a medical exam. Depending on your age, some of these companies can offer coverage of as much as $5 million dollars to healthy applicants without requiring a medical exam.

While there is nothing better than instant – our licensed brokers can do the time-consuming leg-work involved in finding you the best policy while avoiding the higher premiums of some no-medical options. no-medical life insurance is not the sole choice if you want to save time AND money.

Should I get no-medical life insurance if I don’t like the doctor’s office?

You certainly can, but there are other options if you want to get life insurance without entering your doctor’s crowded waiting room. All insurance companies offer a paramedical appointment to collect your health information. A nurse can visit you at home or your place of work and collect bloodwork, blood pressure, and the other information required by underwriters. 

But, as alluded to previously, there are some providers that offer accelerated issue term life insurance policies. Depending on your health and how you answer the initial medical questionnaire, you may qualify for coverage without ever having to do a medical.

I’m not sure if I need no-medical life insurance. Who can I talk to?

We thought you’d never ask! PolicyAdvisor’s mission is to help Canadians save time and money as they seek out life insurance coverage. We work with 20 of Canada’s biggest and best insurance companies. Our experience with these providers grants us the ability to find the right, custom coverage for your needs. And that means saving you time and recommending no-medical insurance that fits your budget and needs when appropriate. Reach out and we’ll help you start comparing life insurance quotes online. In the mean time, check out our life insurance calculator so you have an idea of how much coverage you may need.

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Frequently Asked Questions about non-medical life insurance (FAQ)

1. What is non-medical life insurance?

Non-medical life insurance or life insurance without a medical exam refers to the fastest-growing category of life insurance products in Canada. Non-medical life insurance policies do not require a medical exam, blood test, or an assessment of your vitals (blood pressure, height and weight etc). Without the requirement for such tests, life insurance coverage can be obtained much faster – sometimes even instantaneously. No wonder it’s so popular.

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2. What are the benefits of life insurance coverage without a medical exam?

Life insurance without a medical exam has historically been made available to those individuals that have moderate to severe health issues. These policies are usually more accommodating in their underwriting requirements and therefore cater to harder to insure individuals or those that have been declined health coverage. Increasingly, such coverage is also available through accelerated underwriting to healthy individuals that may want to set up coverage quickly and avoid the pain points of traditional underwriting (or just the major pain point associated with syringes!).

In effect, non-medical coverage offers several benefits such as:

  • Easier underwriting process
  • Faster to complete the process
  • More accommodating for those with prior health considerations or previously declined applications
  • Avoid dealing with blood work or needles
  • No face to face interaction necessary
Who needs no medical life insurance?

3. Is there a waiting period for non-medical life insurance claims? Does my coverage start right away?

The waiting period for a life insurance policy refers to the length of time (usually up to 2 years) when claims may not be paid by insurance companies. Most non-medical options allow for coverage to be available instantly after approval, without any waiting period.

There are some products in the market where the coverage may be deferred. Such products are typically offered to individuals with severe health considerations or those currently undergoing treatment.

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4. Which companies offer life insurance coverage without a medical exam?

Most Canadian life insurers offer a substantial amount of life insurance coverage without requiring a medical test. At PolicyAdvisor, we work with the best life insurance companies in Canada and have access to both their standard (medically underwritten) products and non-medical products.

Many of the biggest life insurance companies in Canada such as Manulife, Canada Life, Desjardins, Industrial Alliance, RBC Life Insurance, BMO Life Insurance and others are now able to offer significant life insurance coverage without requiring a blood test. In some cases, for healthy applicants, coverage as much as $5 million can be offered without medicals (also known as without fluids) using these companies’ accelerated underwriting processes.

There are also leading providers, such as Canada Protection Plan, Assumption Life, and Industrial Alliance (iA) that specialize in offering simplified life insurance products, that are available without a medical exam. This type of simplified coverage is best suited to individuals with moderate to severe health issues. In such cases coverage is limited to a maximum of $500,000.

5. Is non-medical insurance expensive?

If you are in good health, then life insurance coverage without a medical exam offers comparable premiums to coverage obtained after bloodwork and vitals are taken.

If however you have some prior health considerations, then the premiums may be higher to compensate for the elevated risk the insurance company is taking on.

6. Can I get joint coverage with my spouse without a medical?

Non-medical term insurance is generally issued on an individual basis. However if you and your spouse are in good health and qualify for accelerated underwriting, then you will be able to get joint coverage without medicals. Our advisors can easily assist you when reviewing your options for joint coverage.

7. Should I get non-medical insurance if I am healthy?

If you want your coverage approved and in place quickly then we recommend you take a non-medical policy if you are eligible. Without the time commitments of in-person blood work and tests there is no downside or price difference for non-medical coverage.

Some of the insurance providers we work with offer more favorable rates for customers who are in good health. For example, Canada Protection Plan has products such as Express Elite that are specifically designed for applicants in good health, who want quick coverage.

Check out PolicyAdvisor's life insurance calculator.

8. Are non-medical policies safe? Will my non-medical life insurance pay out a claim?

Yes! Of course, they are safe and will pay out a claim. The claims process for non-medical life insurance works exactly as it would for any other type of life insurance. The process for applying is easier and faster than regular medically underwritten issuance. However, there is no difference in the claims process between life insurance with a medical and without a medical.

9. I have Diabetes. Can I qualify for insurance without medicals?

There are several options for life insurance coverage for diabetes. The availability of these options depends on the age of the applicant, how long they have had diabetes, the degree of control, and the presence of any related complications if any. Non-medical policies are usually more accommodative for those with prior health conditions, including diabetics. Get in touch with us and we will be able to go over the details of your diabetes history and ensure you get a plan that’s right for you.

10. Can I get life insurance without a medical if I have been treated for cancer?

There are several on-medical life insurance options for those that have successfully overcome cancer. The coverage options depend on your age, type of cancer, the number of years since your treatment was completed, and a few other factors. At PolicyAdvisor, our advisors are able to work with you to find a suitable non-medical insurance product, personalized for your needs.

Read more about life insurance after cancer

FAQ non medical life insurance

11. Can I get non medical life insurance if I have heart disease and have had angioplasty?

You may be able to qualify for certain types of non medical life insurance depending on the severity of the heart condition and the number of years since the heart treatment or angioplasty was completed. Generally speaking, if the time since your angioplasty was completed is more than 3 years, you should qualify for life insurance coverage.

Read more about getting life insurance with a heart condition

12.  Can I increase my coverage later?

Most insurance companies will require you to complete a new application. This will include a new questionnaire. If there is no change in your health or lifestyle situation, then you can always apply for additional coverage, under a new policy.

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13. Can I get insurance without a medical if I am on a work permit?

Yes, you can! Some insurers provide life insurance coverage for individuals on a temporary work permit or a student visa, albeit for lower coverage amounts. You do not have to be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident to apply for coverage without a medical exam.

14. Can I get non-medical insurance if I’m recovering from a chronic illness?

If you have a chronic illness or are recovering from one, there may be options available for your life insurance needs. Guaranteed life insurance is available for those currently receiving medical treatment, although these products usually have a waiting or deferral period. For example, if you have recently been diagnosed with a mental health disorder such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar, your insurance provider may require a two-year deferral period. 

Our experienced life insurance advisors are happy to assist you. Schedule a call and we will be ready to assist.

15. What is the application process for non-medical life insurance?

As Canada’s best life insurance advisor, we are making the life insurance purchase process radically simple and easy. Our in-house advisors will help you complete a digital application form that will be electronically submitted to the insurance company. The form will ask a few medical and non-medical questions. Once the application is submitted, it takes 1 to 2 weeks for approval, although in some cases coverage can be approved instantly. Once the policy is approved, you may also have the option to receive the policy electronically.

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Can I get life insurance with pre-existing health conditions?

A major selling point for many insurance companies is that you can and should get life insurance when you are young and healthy before the appearance of any pre-existing health conditions. Your premiums are potentially much lower, and the curve balls life throws at you that can affect insurance rates have not yet left the pitcher’s hand.

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In reality, life is not always so ideal. Canadians are susceptible to health events and chronic illnesses at any age. According to Stats Canada, more than one in five Canadian adults live with one of cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, or diabetes. 

If you are a Canadian with health problems, you might think that getting life insurance is impossible. Whether you’ve applied and been declined, or haven’t even started the process because you don’t think you’ll get approved, there are still options for you. 

Obtaining life insurance with health issues is possible – here’s how.

Can I qualify for life insurance if I have medical problems or pre-existing health conditions?

As mentioned, chronic illnesses and health problems can sometimes put a hard stop on your shopping for the right life insurance policy. The calculations used to determine someone’s eligibility for life insurance use past health scares and family medical histories to determine the risk involved in insuring your life. However, the primary factor they consider is your current health. While medical advances allow for those with pre-existing conditions and chronic illnesses to live a long life, health problems are still a risk factor in the eyes of insurance underwriters. 

Speaking with an experienced insurance advisor can be advantageous in this situation. They can guide you towards specialized policies and companies that are more accommodating of policy seekers with unique health circumstances. Keep in mind, there will most likely be more medical questions and heightened underwriting once you disclose any previous health problems; a pre-existing condition will potentially raise your insurance premiums, but modified policies and policies with exclusions for specific ailments are possible. Keep in mind, that only 4% of those who apply for life insurance are declined (CLHIA statistics).

A licensed insurance broker can help you navigate your options and potentially find a policy that fits your needs.

Read more: Life Insurance With Diabetes.

What do I do if I don’t qualify for life insurance coverage due to my pre-existing health conditions?

If you don’t qualify for traditional – or fully underwritten – term life insurance, you may still have options. Some Canadian life insurance companies offer non-medical life insurance policies that suit the needs of those seeking coverage in these situations.

Accelerated issue life insurance allows for a medical exam waiver if certain metrics are met. A real-time questionnaire is part of the process. It evaluates age, the amount of desired coverage, and a medical overview based on your profile and previous answers. 

The ability to get a policy without a medical exam is the primary draw of an accelerated issue policy and they typically offer up to $1-million in coverage. Why may this not be the greatest fit? Quite simply, the questions are designed to determine whether you have any pre-existing conditions or health problems. You need to speak to a knowledgeable insurance advisor to see if you could navigate the edge cases of accelerated issue to receive coverage. 

The second type of non-medical insurance is a simplified issue. The brief, standardized application administers a short health questionnaire which may not be as comprehensive as accelerated underwriting. If you qualify for simplified issue life insurance, there is no need for medical underwriting. It typically offers up to $500,000 in coverage for a higher premium than accelerated underwriting.

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While the questionnaire is brief, it serves the same purpose as the one above – to identify potential health risks in applicants. You should consult an insurance advisor before jumping into it; they can help you determine if you might qualify.  

The last type of non-medical insurance is guaranteed issue. It requires no health-related questionnaire or a medical exam and offers guaranteed acceptance regardless of medical history. It allows for life insurance with health issues at the cost of raised premiums and a lower death benefit (typically in the $25,000 to $50,000 range). Generally, you cannot claim the benefit until at least 2 years after you enact the policy. 

Read more about simplified vs guaranteed issue life insurance.

How do I get life insurance if I have health problems or pre-existing conditions?

Speak with one of our licensed advisors. As we mentioned, we have the experience to help you determine what insurance company will offer you the best rates or suggest a non-medical or guaranteed policy that takes into account your health conditions when you apply. Schedule a call with us below – we’re happy to discuss your coverage options and find answers for any of your lingering questions.

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